Liquid Crystals and their Application Russian Journal Zhidkie kristally i ikh prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование |
Zhidk. krist. ikh prakt. ispol'z. = Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 2008, 1, 24—31. |

Modeling, Calculation And Analysis of Molecular Parameters of Disc-Like Intramolecular Complexes with Charge-Transfer
O. B. Akopova, E. V. Kurbatova
Author affiliations Ivanovo State University, Nanomaterials Research Institute
153025 Ivanovo, Ermak Str., 39. E-mail: akopov@dsn.ru
Abstract Disc-like intramolecular complexes with charge-transfer – triphenylene, benzo-coronene, multiinbenzene, phthalocyanine derivatives are investigated by means of computer modeling. The calculation of quantitative molecular parameters has established that the method of columnar and nematic mesophases prognosis can be applied to them.
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