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Liquid Crystals and their Application
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Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование

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According to the Journal’s rules, the article must be submitted to the Editorial board along with a recommendation from the institution (or organization) where the work was done. If there are several organizations, the recommendation of one of them is sufficient.
After that the manuscript is examined by the scientific editor (editor in chief or the executive secretary) and than it is sent to two referees (the first referee is a member of the editorial board supervising this thematic section and the second one is an external referee).
The time for reviewing is 14-21 days. The fast track review is possible (no more than 3 days).
Reviews are stored in the Editorial Board for 5 years.

After reviewing the manuscript is sent to authors for corrections or response to comments from referees and scientific editor. The revised text of the article (or a reasoned explanation of the authors) with figures, tables, brief summary and graphical abstract for the illustrated content of the journal must be returned to the Editorial Board in electronic form (Word file in doc or rtf format) within 10 days.

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