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Liquid Crystals and their Application
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Zhidkie kristally i ikh prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie

Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование

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Zhidk. krist. ikh prakt. ispol'z. = Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 2020, 20 (1), 41—46.
DOI: 10.18083/LCAppl.2020.1.41

New Methods for Studying the Orientation Order of Uniaxial Molecular Films on the Base of Optical Data

E. M. Aver'yanov

Author affiliations
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS,
50 Akademgorodok, building № 38, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia

The components ε(1,2)j(ω) of the dielectric function εj(ω) = ε1j(ω) + iε2j(ω) for uniaxial molecular film in the region of an isolated absorption band of the light polarized along (j = ||) and across (j = ⊥) the film optical axis were considered. The connection of the components with the orientation order parameter S of the dipole moments of molecular transitions corresponding to a given absorption band was established. New methods for determining S are developed. They are confirmed for the organic semiconductor PTCDA film of nanoscale thickness with the known dependences ε(1,2)j(ω) in the transparency and low-frequency electron absorption regions. The effect of the orientation order and anisotropy of dynamic dipole-dipole intermolecular interactions (local-field effects) on the maxima position of the ε2j(ω) bands was shown.

Keywords: molecular thin films, organic semiconductors, PTCDA, orientation order, local-field effects

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