Vladimir A. Burmistrov
1972: |
Graduated from Ivanovo State Institute of Chemistry and Technology. |
1975 - 1977: |
Internship at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. |
1977 - 1981: |
Researcher at Ivanovo State Institute of Chemistry and Technology. |
1979: |
Thesis defense for the degree of Candidate of chemical sciences. Topic: "The study of Z, E mechanisms of nitroenamine isomerization in solutions by dynamic NMR spectroscopy method" (supervisors: Fedin E.I., Bakhmutov V.I., Babievsky K.K., INEOS of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). |
1981-1985: |
Associate Professor, Department of Colloid Chemistry at Ivanovo State Institute of Chemistry and Technology. |
1985-1992: |
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Plastics at Ivanovo State Institute of Chemistry and Technology. |
Since 1992: |
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecular Compounds at Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology. |
1992: |
Thesis defense for the degree of Doctor of chemical sciences (Physical Chemistry). |
New mechanism of cis-trans isomerization of unsaturated compounds with pre-ionization of labile bonding and fast rotation in ion pair was theoretically explained and experimentally proved for the first time in the works with V.A.Burmistrov's participation.
Starting from 1981 V.A. Burmistrov is a leader of a new scientific direction "Supramolecular calamitic liquid crystals" established by him.
During the past twenty years under his leadership, more than 250 new mesogenic compounds with reactive substituents capable of chemical modification and self-assemble into supramolecular liquid crystal ensembles were synthesized and characterized. Under the guidance and personal participation of V.A.Burmistrov for the first time systematic studies of specific interactions in liquid crystal systems were conducted, laws of mesogens self-assembling were justified by hydrogen bonds.
The results obtained allowed to establish effective liquid crystal stationary phases for gas chromatography with unique structural selectivity. A new generation of mesogenic stabilizers for polymers - polyolefine, polyvilyl chloride, elastomers was developed. New materials based on supramolecular mesogens are protected by copyright certificates of the USSR and the Russian Federation patents.
In recent years, data on the mechanisms of chemical reactions involving macroheterocyclic compounds - porphyrins, phthalocyanines and their analogues: complex formation, axial coordination and catalytic oxidation have been obtained. The possibility in principle of the development of advanced hybrid materials based on liquid crystals and macroheterocycles or their precursors was established.
V.A. Burmistrov read the following lecture courses: "Colloid Chemistry", "Polymer Chemistry", "Polymer Physicochemistry", "Physics of Macromolecular Compounds", "Reactivity of Macromolecular Compounds". He is a member of three doctoral dissertation councils. 17 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended under his supervision. He acted as an opponent at dissertations in chemistry and chemical technology many times.
V.A. Burmistrov is an author of 190 scientific articles. Most of them were published in the leading journals "Physical Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry", "Structural Chemistry", "General Chemistry"and in foreign journals "Org. magn.reson.", "Liq. Cryst.", "J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines". Theses of 260 reports on International and Russian conferences were published, 30 copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of the Russian Federation are received by him.
Main publications:
- Bakhmutov V. I., Burmistrov V. A., Babievsky K. K., Kochetkov K. A., Kvasov V. A., Belikov V. M., Fedin E. I. A dynamic NMR study of Z, E izomerization in solutions of indolylsubstituted ?-nitroacrylates// Organic Magnetic Resonance. – 1979. – V. 11. – P. 308 – 312.
- Bakhmutov V. I., Burmistrov V. A. Investigation by Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy of the Mechanism of Rotation about the Carbon-Carbon Double Bond in Nitroenamines // Organic Magnetic Resonance. – 1979. – V. 12, N 4. – P. 185 – 189.
- Aleksandriiskii, V. V., Burmistrov V. A., Koifman O. I. Orientational effects of hydrogen bonding in liquid-crystalline in solutions containing Shiff bases // Liquid Crystals. – 1992. – V. 12, № 3. – P. 403 – 415.
- Burmistrov V. A., Aleksandriiskii V. V., Koifman O. I. Influence of the molecular structure of a nematic solvent on hydrogen bonding with nonmesomorphic proton-donors// Liquid Crystals. – 1995. – V. 18, № 4. – P. 657 – 664.
- Aleksandriiskii V. V., Burmistrov V. A., Islyaikin M. K. Influence of H-bonding on the conformation state of tret-butylsubstituted dibenzene-diisoindole macrohetero-cycle: тез. [4 Int. Conf. on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-4), Rome, July 2 – 7, 2006 г.] // J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. – 2006. – V. 10, № 4 – 6. – P. 682.
- Koifman O. I., Trifonova I. P., Burmistrov V. A. Kinetic anomalies of tetraphenylporphin complex formation and axial exchange in amphiprotic media // Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. – 2008. – V. 12, № 3 – 6. – P. 404.
- Gerts E.D., Komolkin A.V., Burmistrov V.A., Alexandriysky V.V., Dvinskikh S.V. Comparative study of local structure of two cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals by molecular dynamics method//Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2014, V.141, № 7, p. 074503.
- Singin P.V., Islyaikin M.K., Trifonova I.P., Burmistrov V.A. Koifman O.I Simulation of porphyrin-ethanol solvate shell by DFT method// J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2015; Vol. 19: p. 1212–1218 DOI: 10.1142/S1088424615501072.
- Burmistrov V.A., Kuvshinova S.A., Koifman O.I. "Thermotropic rod-like mesogens as stabilizers for polyolefins and polyvinyl chloride", RUSS CHEM REV, 2016, 85 (2), 156–171. DOI: 10.1070/RCR4477.