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Vladimir N. Egorov

Curriculum vitae Research interests
Languages Grants
Honours Publications
Professional societies membership


1975 Graduated from Ivanovo State University (Department of Mathematics).
1975–1978 Postgraduate study at the Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic, Ivanovo State University.
1978-1981 Assistant at the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Ivanovo State University.
1981-1984 enior lecturer at the Algebra and Mathematical Logic Department, Ivanovo State University.
1983 Thesis defense for the degree of Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences: "Residual finiteness of groups with one defining relation".
1984-1988 Head of the Algebra and Mathematical Logic Department, Ivanovo State University.
1990–2000 Vice-Rector for scientific work, Ivanovo State University.
1991 Thesis defense for the degree of Doctor of Economics: "Economic Problems of Reliability of Production Systems".
Since 1996 Head of the Economic Analysis and Accounting Department.
Since 2000 Rector of Ivanovo State University.


Russian, English


2003 Honored Worker of the Russian Federation Higher School.


Member of the Presidium of the Academy production organizers.
Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.


The introduction of technology in the fields of chemistry and physics of liquid crystals in high-tech sectors of the economy structure using innovative investment approach.
Environment problems solution of science-intensive production systems.


2005-2007 Head of the Analytical departmental target program "Scientific Potential Development of Higher Education (2006–2008)" on the subject "Creating a marketing management concepts reliability enterprises", supervisor.
2005 RFBR grant "Development Project material and technical base of scientific research", supervisor.
2008-2010 State task on the subject "The theory of economic reliability of industrial systems development: the environmental aspect", supervisor.
2010-2011 Analytical departmental target program "Scientific Potential Development of the higher school 2009-2011" on the subject "The theory of economic reliability of industrial systems development: the reliability of the financial subsystem", supervisor.
2012-2013 State task on the subject "Innovation and investment approach to the improvement and intensification of economic reliability of industrial high-tech sectors of the economy under adverse ambient conditions", supervisor.


V.N. Egorov is an author of more than 70 scientific articles, including two monographs: "Economic Problems of Reliability of Production Systems", "The Market of Financial Asserts".

Main publications:

  1. Egorov V.N., Chernova M.V. Method of Risk Assessment in Determining the Marketing Strategy of a Textile Company That Processes Chemical Fibers. Fibre Chemistry. 2015.
  2. Tile M., Egorov V.N. Termin «effektivnost» i ego znacheniya . Ekonomika, predprinimatel'stvo i okruzhauschaya sreda (EPOS). International Journal. 2008. P. 3.
  3. Egorov V.N., Marintsev D.A. Problem of modelling investment risks in the textile industry. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Tekhnologiya tekstil'noy promyshlennosti. 2003. No 1. P. 9-12.

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