Liquid Crystals and their Application Russian Journal Zhidkie kristally i ikh prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование |
Zhidk. krist. ikh prakt. ispol'z. = Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 2010, 4, 12—21. |

Specific Intermolecular Interactions Competitive Influence on Mesomorphic and Bulk Properties of the p-n-Propyloxybenzoic Acid – p-n-Propyloxy-p'-Cyanobiphenyl System
Sv.A. Syrbu1, V.P. Barannikov2, A.A. Syrbu3
Author affiliations 1Ivanovo State University, Ermak 39, Ivanovo, 153025 Russia. E-mail: syrbue@yandex.ru
2Chemistry Solution Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Academicheskaya str. 1, Ivanovo, 153045 Russia
3Ivanovo Institute of the State Fire Service, Stroitelei pr. 33, Ivanovo, 153040 Russia
Abstract The p-n-propyloxybenzoic acid – p-n-propyloxy-p'-cyanobiphenyl system is studied by differential scanning calorimetry and dielcometry methods. System phase diagram was plotted. The analysis of temperature and concentration dependencies of dielectric properties was carried out. It is shown, that out of two competitive specific intermolecular interactions it is the H-bond that influences greatly on the system properties.
Keywords: iquid crystals, H-bond, dipole – dipole association, phase diagram, p-n-propyloxybenzoic acid, p-n-propyloxy-p'-cyanobiphenyl, dielcometry, dielectric anisotropy, anisotropy of conductivity