Liquid Crystals and their Application Russian Journal Zhidkie kristally i ikh prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование |
Zhidk. krist. ikh prakt. ispol'z. = Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 2017, 17 (1), 20—33. DOI: 10.18083/Appl.2017.1.20 |

Volumetric Properties of Sodium Decylsulfate Solutions at the Micelles Shape Transformations Region
V. S. Kuznetsov1, A. P. Blinov1, V. G. Badelin2, L.N. Zhukova1, N. V. Zharnikova1, E. Yu. Tyunina2
Author affiliations 1Ivanovo State University,
39 Ermak St., Ivanovo, 153025, Russia E-mail: nv_usoltseva@mail.ru
2G. A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
1 Akademicheskaya St., Ivanovo, 153045, Russia E-mail: vgb@isc-ras.ru
Abstract Thermodynamic properties of solutions of surface active substances (SAS) in the region of transformation of the micelles shape have been studied quite poorly before. In the given study, the volumetric properties of aqueous solutions of sodium decylsulfate in the molal concentration range of 0,28–0,42 m and at the temperatures from 10 to 45 °С were determined from the densimetric experiment. With the method of partial molar values the intermicellar transition that is connected with the third critical micelle concentration has been determined. The equilibrium properties have been established as following: cmc3 = 0,35 m and teq = 20 °C. Concentration constants of equilibrium and the numbers of aggregation have been measured.
Keywords: sodium decylsulfate, method of partial molar values, intermicellar transition, cmc3, constants of equilibrium